The Canberra Cavalry have added two Chinese players for the second half of the 2014-15 ABL season, including Liwi Huang. Huang is an 18 year old player who comes from the China Baseball Academy run by MLB International in Wuxi, China. Under the ever increasingly convoluted and baffling ABL import rules, the Chinese players are actually considered to be Australians, and are not actually considered imports.
Tried doing a translation of Liwi Huang into hanzi, but the online translator doesn't like "Liwi". I'm wondering if Liwi might actually be corrected to "Liwei" which does translate into hanzi. Having said that, the other Chinese player is Aaron Chen .... I doubt that Aaron easily translates into hanzi either. :) If anybody can enlighten me further, please let me know via comment.
2014-15 Canberra Cavalry Liwi Huang card front - ©2015 Adam East |