Yes, I know, another Donald Lutz card, less than a week after
my last one. As a bit of background - I'm toying with the idea of trying to get these cards created as a licenced stadium give away at Canberra Cavalry home games, but need to chat with Canberra's GM first about all the legal hoops I need to jump through. It's Canberra's 100th Anniversary of being founded in 2013, so I thought designing a series of "vintage" looking cards that look like they're from 100 years ago, featuring some of the past Canberra players would be a fun idea. Still, a lot of leg work to be done before the stadium give away idea is remotely possible, but I thought I'd post up some of the designs I was playing with.
Both Lutz and Arizona rookie Didi Gregorius are in the
MLB spotlight at the moment, so I thought I'd have a try of card designs using some of my photos of them. Here are a couple of the Lutz designs I've been trialling. Went with the "skinny" card size similar to the old cigarette card sizes. Unsure about the vignette. Also wondering if I should try removing the background as cards from that era tended to be shot in studios. The card backs will probably be just basic text advertisement for the Cavalry or something else to keep in theme with the vintage design. Any feedback, feel free to leave a comment.
"C100 Vintage" concept design 2 (full background) ft Donald Lutz, Canberra - © 2013 Adam East |
"C100 Vintage" concept design 5 (vignette) ft Donald Lutz, Canberra - © 2013 Adam East |