
Friday, May 4, 2018

Dave Kandilas - 2017-18 Canberra Cavalry

The move from Sydney to Canberra the previous season was obviously a positive for the Kandi-man as his seventh ABL season in 2017-18 - his second with Canberra - proved to be his most productive ABL season to date as he became a major offensive cog for Canberra.

2017-18 Canberra Cavalry David Kandilas card front - ©2018 Adam East

2017-18 Canberra Cavalry David Kandilas alternate card front - ©2018 Adam East


  1. hmm, I'd be interested to see either a Kyle Glogoski or a 2016-17 throwback of Ronald Acuna.

    1. There will be a 2017-18 card Glogoski design in the future. Unfortunately Acuna didn't travel with Melbourne during the series I was taking my 2016-17 photos of the Aces, so I have no photos of him to be able to make a card design.
