
Friday, August 21, 2015

Josh Matavesi - 2014-15 Perth Heat

Former Canberra Cavalry player Matavesi hadn't played for the Cavalry since the 2012-13 season, but was quoted in the Canberran press in mid-2014 as getting ready to try and rejoin their roster for the 2014-15 season. It was a bit of a surprise then to see Matavesi's name pop up on the roster for Western Australia for the National Under 25s Championships played in September/October of 2014.

During the 2014-15 ABL season., Matavesi arrived with the Perth Heat players when they played Canberra, and otherwise seemed to be a part of the Heat team. I don't know what his status with the team is, but it appeared, and I'm assuming, that he's a part of the Heat development squad, as he didn't officially appear on their roster through the season or actually play a game with them. From the conversations I overheard in the Heat dugout, he certainly didn't appear to have any love of the Cavalry team, and seems to be a part of the Heat environment.

2014-15 Perth Heat Josh Matavesi card front - ©2015 Adam East

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