
Thursday, October 10, 2013

First Batch of 2012-13 ABL Cards Sent to the Printers

I've decided to try and use a different printer to get last seasons card designs printed up for myself. The first two years I used a printer in the USA. The cards were printed on a high quality, glossy, almost plastic like stock. They were professional looking. My only complaints were that the images printed up a lot darker than they appear on screen, and secondly - it was expensive.

I recently discovered a Chinese printer online that does custom cards that are a lot cheaper. I suspect it'll be a lighter card stock, and the cards have rounded edges (which I don't mind.) And whilst the American cards are more expensive, I can only order 54 cards at a time from the Chinese printer (presumably because they're using playing card templates/stock for the cards.).

The printer seems to have a hit and miss reputation - still, it was a lot cheaper (about 75% cheaper than the American printers) so if these cards print up OK, I'll get the rest of last year's set printed up via them as well. If they don't print up well, it's been a relatively inexpensive mistake.

The first batch of my custom made 2012-13 ABL cards ready for printing.

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