
Monday, September 23, 2013

Rosters for the 2013-14 ABL Season Start taking Shape

Still being a minor sport, we don't get saturation coverage of ABL roster moves down here in Australia., but it's interesting to note that with only 6 weeks to go til the start of the season, rosters are starting to take shape, even if trying to find out who those players are is like pulling hen's teeth.

The ABL has advised that 12 MLB clubs are sending prospects down to the ABL for the coming season - that's in addition to any Australian players already playing in the minors. In the past there have also been affiliations between NPB and KBO teams. I have yet to hear about any Japanese or Korean imports for this coming season, but would expect Canberra to have some at a minimum.

Here are some of the roster moves we've heard so far:

Adelaide Bite / Sydney Blue Sox

  • ABLBuzz Article:  Star Sydney Blue Sox closer Matthew Williams will be relocating to the Bite following his acceptance to a new job in South Australia.

2011-12 Sydney Blue Sox Matthew Williams card front - © 2012 Adam East

Canberra Cavalry

  • Canberra Times article: Most local players and many of the independent American imports from the 2012-13 Championship winning team are set to return to the Cavalry for this season. This is a big change to revolving door roster of previous years. Toronto Blue Jays will be sending down 4 or 5 yet to be named players, possibly including Jack Murphy (member of the Cavalry in 2012-13) - who has advanced to AAA this year. 

2012-13 Canberra Cavalry Jack Murphy card front - © 2013 Adam East

Melbourne Aces

  • ABL article: Two named players from the Kansas City Royals confirmed on the roster.
  • ABL article: Two named players from the Colorado Rockies confirmed on the roster.
  • Australian players John Hussey and Darry George have re-signed.

2012-13 Melbourne Aces Darryl George card front - © 2013 Adam East

2013 ABL Supplementary Draft - All Teams

ABL article: The big news last Thursday by the Australian Baseball League was the same day occurence of the previously unaanounced 2013 ABL Supplementary Draft. This appears to be the new way for non-affiliated imports and out-of-state Aussies to be selected by ABL teams. Unfortunately details have been sketchy, but ABLBuzz reports that only Sydney and Melbourne were active at the draft, selecting nine players between them. This also tells us that the other four teams must believe that they have their rosters reasonably settled already, even if they haven't been announced.

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