
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jude Power - 2011-12 Canberra Cavalry

Power is originally from Victoria, but made a cameo appearance with the Canberra Cavalry during the 2011-12 season., He pitched a total of 2 innings of relief across two games in his ABL career to date.

2011-12 Canberra Cavalry Jude Power  card front - © 2012 Adam East


  1. Hi Adam/Elissa Jude is from our club in Traralgon, is there any chance of getting a larger version of his card to put up at the club rooms, give the young kids something to aim for?

  2. I might be able to help with a copy of one of my photos of him from the game. Please email me at ozmlb (a) hotmail . com

