Leblebijian is an American import from the Toronto Blue jays organisation who played with the Canberra Cavalry during the 2015-16 ABL season, where he won the Cavalry's MVP award. He's also a candidate for the "How am I meant to pronounce that surname?" contest. Leblebijian spent 2015 with Toronto's Single and Advanced A affiliates, the Lansing Lugnuts and Dunedin Blue Jays. In 2016, he returned to Dunedin and was promoted to the New Hampshire Fisher cats, the Blue Jays Double A affiliate.
For the record, when he was in Canberra, I always heard his name pronounced "leb-la-bee-gee-an" with the "gee" part being pronounced like the name of the letter "G".
2015-16 Canberra Cavalry Jason Leblebijian card front - ©2016 Adam East |